Monday, August 31, 2009

What is your favorite medium, and how does it make money from you?

My favorite medium is television. Television has been around for a while now and has maintained a dominant status over other mediums and forms of communication. Even with the diffusion of other more modern mediums such as the Internet, it seems pretty hard for television to lose its dominant status. Even with society and popular culture, especially teenagers, moving to a new era in communications, television is the preferred among all cultures and people around the world, no matter the age group or other differentiations among people. This might be due to the simplicity of using and accessing a TV set. Television, or broadcast corporations, make most of their profits through advertising. Broadcast corporations sell airtime, which various companies and corporations buy to diffuse their commercials and advertisements, trying to sell a product or service. So u may be asking yourself, if broadcasting corporations make their money through advertisement, how are they making from me? That's easy, broadcasting corporations don't make money directly from me, or the public in general, but the audience helps broadcasting corporations make profits indirectly. How you ask? As already mentioned, broadcasting corporations sell airtime to companies and corporations so these same companies can air their advertising during and between shows. How much a broadcasting corporation asks for airtime, depends greatly on the ratings of their shows. This is were the audience plays a great role. The more audience a show has, the greater the ratings are, which in return equals greater profits. A perfect example is the Super Bowl, where airtime is sold in the millions just for 30 seconds commercials. This is due to the great number of audience the Super Bowl has every year. In conclusion, even though a broadcasting corporations do not profit directly from me, the audience and myself play an important role in the profit making of broadcasting corporations.

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